Saturday, August 1, 2015

Where the heck is that kitchen sink?

Here we have three very different works none of which feature original creations.  kind of shameful for a would-be concept artist.  I should work on that!

Captain Phasma biased on a screenshot from Star Wars Episode VII's trailer.  I am super excited for that movie!

Chris Pratt had a silly competition on Facebook today and my sister-in-law encouraged me to participate.  It was supose to be a composite image banner but I decided to sketch it instead.  I took A LOT of shortcuts on my process here but it went fast and was fun so I am happy.

And last but not least another Zach fan art drawing because I love his work and seeing his genius through my own strokes has become a guilty pleasure of mine.  (Zach I really hope you don't mind!)  I'm think his name is ... Rabbit White, but you'll have to ask Zach.